Wednesday, July 15, 2009

3rd Days the Charm

So I missed a few days, been uber busy.

I scheduled an interview with Radhanath Swami for his website, to post short answer clips to important questions people ask.

He's coming to DC for Kumari Priya's wedding. That should be very nice.

I'm trying to schedule my days, and stick to it, so hopefully by Krsna and Guru's mercy I can make some measured progress.

Dear Gurudeva,

I'm simply grateful for all the opportunities you give me to serve. I hope to make you happy, and to become strong, to support and serve so many devotees.

I'm finding I have much further to go in my love for Krsna, that I'm accustomed to speak my own purports, and do what I think is best, without first becoming strongly aligned to your teachings.

Bhakti Tirtha Swami said a leader first should be, before saying anything.

I'm praying to be your humble obedient, regulated, sincere, pure, and happily balanced servant.

Thank you for today, and tomorrow, and forever more.

your servant,
Rasikananda dasa

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